Curatorial Collective  
What We Do?

Trio & Beats, co-directed by Dr. Jung-Sil Lee, Dr. Dong-Yeon Koh, and Dr. Yoonjeong Koh, is a curatorial collective committed to expanding the horizons of contemporary arts for global exchanges and fostering a deeper understanding of art and culture.

Trio & Beats focuses on diverse artistic themes from women's perspectives, the memorialization of traumatic history, decolonization, as well as Korean (Korean diaspora) and Asian contemporary arts and culture, employing an interdisciplinary approach.

Trio & Beats is dedicated to curating exhibitions and conducting related research, lectures, archiving, and publications. Through these efforts, we aim to initiate new discourses and foster positive connections among curators, artists, critics, and the public.

Trio & Beats operates within a broad curatorial and research scope, encompassing various artistic disciplines and thematic areas. The organization is committed to curating exhibitions, events, and projects that explore diverse cultural expressions, contemporary issues, and interdisciplinary intersections. Within its curatorial practice, Trio & Beats engages with a wide range of artistic mediums, including visual arts, performing arts, film, video, multimedia installations, and more. The organization seeks to present thought-provoking and innovative artworks that challenge traditional boundaries and foster critical dialogue. In terms of research, Trio & Beats conducts in-depth investigations into art history, cultural contexts, and socio-political themes relevant to the artworks and projects it undertakes. This research serves as a foundation for curatorial decision-making, ensuring a well-informed and intellectually rigorous approach to their exhibitions and events.

- Modernism(s) in global perspectives
- Themes of Contemporary arts and culture
- Feminist Arts (Gender and Identity)
- Public (Participatory Community) Arts
- Interdisciplinary and Intersectional Art
- Film and multi-media Project
- Korean (Korean Diaspora), Asian, Minority, and Subaltern art

Jung-Sil Lee, Ph. D
Jung-Sil Lee. Ph. D
Jung-Sil Lee, prior to founding ArTrio in 2011, had established herself as a historian of modern and contemporary art from a global perspective and an independent curator. Her research encompasses a wide range of interests, including public memorials, ritual theory, feminism, diaspora, and grassroots activism through art. Over the years, her research interests have expanded to include the intersection of public sculpture and feminism, exploring narratives that intertwine intersectional feminism and decolonization. This exploration has led her to focus on modern and contemporary minority artists who challenge traditional artistic norms by incorporating traumatic histories into their work. Jung-Sil Lee's dedication to education has driven her to create courses such as Modern and Contemporary Asian Art and Modern and Contemporary Korean Art and Culture. These courses have been successfully piloted at esteemed institutions such as George Washington University, Georgetown University, and the Maryland Institute College of Art. Beyond academia, Jung-Sil Lee has played a pivotal role in the construction of two memorials in Virginia dedicated to the victims of human trafficking and wartime sex slaves. Her curatorial expertise extends to diverse art exhibitions, including notable showcases like "Collateral Damage," "Truth: Promise for Peace," "Beyond Boundaries," and "Bio Art."



Jung-Sil Lee is an adjunct professor specializing in Korean and Asian cultural arts at universities including Georgetown University. She holds a Ph.D. in Art History from the University of Maryland, and founded the company Corcoran Trio in 2011. Since then, Dr. Lee has curated 19 shows so far and served as a guest curator at major cultural and arts institutions in the Washington, DC area, which includes the Smithsonian Asian Art Museum.

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Dr. Lee is currently at work on two projects: one is the book on Modern and Contemporary Korean Art History in Context: 1950-2020 while the other is the article, “Colonized Bodies Matter: Intersectional Women’s Movement in South Korea and Korean Diaspora.”



Dr. Lee published numerous exhibition catalog entries and critics. She published Comfort Women: A Movement for Justice and Women’s Rights in the United States (Hollym, 2020)” as an editor and writer and “Unforeseen Controversy: Reconciliation and Re-contextualization of Wartime Atrocities through “Comfort Women” Memorials in the United States” in Teachable Monuments: Using Public Art to Spark Dialogue and Confront Controversy (Bloomsbury, 2021), and “Contemporary Global Asian American Artist: Hybrid Identity” in Asian Art Reading (Noonbit, 2018).



In addition to her curatorial and academic endeavors, Jung-Sil Lee has served as the president of the non-profit organization, the Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues. Through this non-profit research organization, she aims to intersect art and activism, advocating for important causes and raising awareness about significant societal issues.

Dong-Yeon Koh, Ph. D
Dong-Yeon Koh, an art critic, has served as a mentor and committee in art residencies and museums in South Korea over the last two decades with a focus on popular culture, gender theory, and memory studies. Dr. Koh was the commissioner of the Goyang Outdoor Sculpture Festival (2017, 2018) and co-director of Art 2021. She also served as the managing committee of NaMAF (Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival) (2017-2022) to promote young and promising experimental video artists and filmmakers in South Korea. As a researcher and art critic, she wrote 40 academic papers and 200 art criticism, which have been published in journals and art magazines worldwide including (Routledge), , , (Routledge), and (Duke University Press). Koh’s recent books include (Seoul, 2018), (Seoul, 2019), (London: Routledge, 2021), and (Seoul, 2022). (Homepage)

Dong-Yeon Koh


Art Historian, Critic, & Curator

Taught Art Criticism, Modern Art History, and Film History at the Graduate Schools of Seoul National University, Korea University, Korea University of Arts, and Hongik University (2007-2023) and served as a mentor, committee, and Jury in many art residencies, arts organizations, artist's award, and festivals in South Korea since 2007. (Email)/ (Homepage)/ (Blog)

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Selected Exhibitions, Festival & Events

2017-2021 Seoul International New Media Festival (NEMAF), Seoul/ 2017, 2018 Commissioner (2 Years), Goyang Outdoor Sculpture Festival, Goyang/ 2014 《Reply Artists》, Seoul Foundation of Arts and Culture, Seoul/ 2011 “From Yeouido Airfield to Incheon Airport,” co-curated, Ilmin Art Museum, Seoul


Selected Papers (Abstract) & Conferences

Research papers (A& HCI 7, Korea Certificate Index (KCI) 31, Other Academic Journal 4) 2023 "The Place of Tragedy and Postmemory Generation: Dalo Hyunjoo Kim and Kwanghee Cho's 'Mourning Practice (Oedo Yeonseup)' at Camp Town Ppeoppeorl, Euijeongbu," 「Journal of Korean and Asian Art」, (Seoul: Research Institute of Korean Arts) / 2022 “The Postmemory Generation and Being Abandoned: Jane Jin Kaisen's Film Community of Parting,” 「Journal of History of Modern Art 」, Vol. 51 , pp. 157-189”


Books, Ex. Catalogues & Reviews

RESEARCH-BOOKS (Korean 12, English 4)/ EXHIBITION CAT. & REVIEWS (APPROXIMATELY 220)/ 2021 Dong-Yeon Koh, 『Postmemory Generation in South Korea: The Post 1990s Arts and Films』, Advanced Series of Korean Studies. London and New York; Routledge (English) 2020 Dong-Yeon Koh, “The Paradoxical Place of the Female Body in Feminist Arts in South Korea,” in <Korean Art from 1953: Collision, Innovation>, edited by Yeongshim Jeong, New York: Phaidon Press (English).

Yoonjeong Koh, Ph. D
  Yunjeong Koh received her doctorate at Seoul National University with a dissertation on the practice of integrated art education centered on performance art in the major of collaborative art education. As a guest editor, he planned publications and operated the 《Monday Salon》 program for about 3 years, and created a program called 《Criticism Bar》(2019-2020) to talk about current issues in various fields in the art world. Movement, which Koh have been personally intereted in and practices, becomes the foundation for a series of her recent curatorial practice. In 2018, he wrote a book called Performance Artist Recording in connection with the exhibition , and in 2022, he published a joint book, Who Forces Choice (Constructor) with researcher Dong-Yeon Koh. Exhibitions related to performance art include (Emu, 2019), (Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, 2020), and (2021). 《The Gap Between Two Beats》 (2022), in particular, deals with the traces of the body and the rhythm of the city. In 2023, he is conducting research on how the form of performance and thematic discourses can meet. In addition, she is contemplating the sustainable artist's life of emerging and mid-career artists by collaborating with several small new spaces while running the 'Imi Group', which was created to improve the self-generation of artists and planners.
Yoonjeong Koh



학력 2002 이화여자대학교 사회학과 졸업 (멀티미디어 복수전공) 2009 이화여자대학교 대학원 조형예술학과 석사 졸업 2023 서울대학교 사범대학 협동과정 미술교육 박사 졸업 주요경력 2023 대구사진비엔날레 협력 큐레이터 2022-2023.4 H ART Lab 2기 기획자/이론가 2019-현재 경기문화재단 비평가 매칭 주관단체 및 참여비평가 활동 2021 아트인컬처 3040 여성미술인 선정 2018-현재 이미단체 대표 2018-2020 토탈뮤지엄프레스 객원편집장 2018-2020 토탈미술관 월요살롱 진행 2019-2020 비평주점 (한국문화예술위원회 시각예술창작산실 비평지원) 진행 2019 금천예술공장 플로우앤비트 협력큐레이터 2014-2017 갤러리 구 협력 큐레이터 2015-2017 그레파이트온핑크 출판사 편집장



2023 검은 기둥의 감각, H아트랩 2기 전시 Part 1, 아트스페이스 호화 2023 물질과 에너지의 배열, 영등포문화재단 지원사업, 술술센터 2022 두 비트 사이의 틈 (한국문화예술위원회 시각예술창작 우수전시) 2020-2021 경기도형 공공예술 프로젝트 <ㄱㄱ게릴라영상쑈 <어쩌다 마주친> 기획 (경기문화재단 주최, 수원컨벤션센터) 2021 4월 공간타이프 <하나의 당김, 네 개의 눈> 기획 2021 9월 아트잠실 단체전 <잠실 스케이프> 기획 (송파문화재단) 2020. 4. 세종문화회관 <행복이 나를 찾는다> 총괄기획 2019 <프롬나드런>, 복합문화공간 에무 (서울문화재단 다원예술지원) 2019 금천예술공장 <NON 프레임마켓>, 기획 2018 돈의문박물관마을 <우주시계의 기운> 기획 2017 작가미술장터 스쾃성수 공동기획 (예술경영지원센터)



2022-2023 조영주 작가 비평서(가제) 총괄기획 2023 창작의 과정, 시각예술창작산실 전시사전연구, <포포몬쓰, 액숀, 플젝> 2021 아르코 공공미술 리서치 – 프로젝트미래유통 (경동시장, 청량리시장 인근) 2021 서울문화재단 서울시리서치 – 팬데믹 시대, 퍼포먼스의 기록 관련 2020 서울문화재단 190시간

Curatorial_Solo Show


2022 진달래 & 박우혁, <의미있는 형식들>, 플랫폼엘 2021 강건 개인전 <타아상실>, 아트스페이스 광교 2021 진달래&박우혁 개인전 <물, 마늘, 양파, 우유, 과일>, 공간타이프 2020 노세환 개인전 <My Toes Are Free>, 복합문화공간 에무 2020 김은형 개인전 <춤추는 노예들>, Space55 2019 조영주 개인전 <젤리비 부인의 돋보기>, 플레이스막

Curatorial Approach:

• Organizing international exhibitions with at least 30 percent of local artists and collaborations

• Maintaining on-going forum of international curators, artists, and art professionals

• Recruiting Korean artists around the world to redefine the Korean diaspora in contemporary art

• Embracing differences among people, communities, and regions due to spatial, temporal distance, and cultural disparity

• 전시 개최 지역의 작가 30퍼센트를 포함시킨 국제전

• 기획자, 작가, 전문 미술인들과의 국제 토론 세션 기반

• 지역의 한국 작가와 협업하고 한국인 디아스포라를 재정의

• 시 공간, 문화적 거리에 따른 차이를 포용

Comfort Women: A Movement for Justice and Women's Rights in the United States

Jung Sil Lee, Dennis Halpin ed. Comfort Women: A Movement for Justice and Women's Rights in the United States: 9781565913851

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Modern and Contemporary Korean Art

Jung-Sil Lee

The symposium, Harvard and Dartmouth Art History Workshop, Cambridge, MA, 2019

The Korean War and Postmemory Generation: Contemporary Korean Arts and Films

Dong-Yeon Koh

This pioneering volume navigates cultural memory of the Korean War through the lens of contemporary arts and film in South Korea for the last two decades.

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What Forces Women Artists to Give Up

Yoonjeong Koh and Dong-Yeon Koh

“How does marriage and the role of a mother affect an artist’s survival and prosperity?” - Women, mothers, artists. The story of 11 artists who maintain and juggle three different identities of being a mother, artist, and woman. - A book that looks into women's ego, solidarity, and history through the lends of feminist art in South Korea

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  • 19 Jong-ro, Jongro-Gu, Seoul, Korea